Greetings from the Unrepentant Capitalist. I've been
MIA for a few months, but it's time to get back to the important business of
capitalism and economics. The fact that my absence almost perfectly
overlaps with college football season is purely coincidental. Side note,
the Unrepentant Capitalist's alma
mater had a pretty good season and won an upper tier bowl game.
So what were the big stories of the Fall?
Occupy Wall Street
The Occupy movement set up their first tent city in the
Manhattan Financial district which was quickly copied in numerous cities across
the country. The Occupiers have never been able to clearly articulate
what they are for, but seem to generally be against Wall Street and the top 1%
of income earners. It’s always easier to be against something, but harder
to be for something.
As I've said in this space before, pinning blame for the great recession of 2008-2009 on any single group ignores reality. The Occupiers want to fix blame solely on Wall Street, and not consider significant contributions from the federal government (encouraged low or no down payment loans which led to over-borrowing), house flippers (bought homes with low or no down payments to quickly sell at a profit), the Federal Reserve (held interest rates too low for too long), mortgage brokers (compensated to originate loans that were quickly sold), homebuyers (buying more house than they could afford), and the consumer in general (in total, consumers have taken on too much debt).
Wall Street and the financial community certainly contributed to the problem, but by no means created the problem alone. A sore point with the Occupiers is the bail outs the banks received from the Feds. Ben Bernanke (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) and Henry Paulson (former Secretary of the Treasury) said they were troubled by the bail outs, but at the end of the day, these guys were pragmatists and understood the unique role the banks play in our economy, so they bailed away. Ours is a credit driven economy, and with credit frozen (and that's where we were headed in the fall of 2008) serious trouble was right around the corner.
As I've said in this space before, pinning blame for the great recession of 2008-2009 on any single group ignores reality. The Occupiers want to fix blame solely on Wall Street, and not consider significant contributions from the federal government (encouraged low or no down payment loans which led to over-borrowing), house flippers (bought homes with low or no down payments to quickly sell at a profit), the Federal Reserve (held interest rates too low for too long), mortgage brokers (compensated to originate loans that were quickly sold), homebuyers (buying more house than they could afford), and the consumer in general (in total, consumers have taken on too much debt).
Wall Street and the financial community certainly contributed to the problem, but by no means created the problem alone. A sore point with the Occupiers is the bail outs the banks received from the Feds. Ben Bernanke (Chairman of the Federal Reserve) and Henry Paulson (former Secretary of the Treasury) said they were troubled by the bail outs, but at the end of the day, these guys were pragmatists and understood the unique role the banks play in our economy, so they bailed away. Ours is a credit driven economy, and with credit frozen (and that's where we were headed in the fall of 2008) serious trouble was right around the corner.
The bail outs were also troubling to the Unrepentant
Capitalist. The Federal Reserve is designed to be the ‘lender of last
resort’ to provide liquidity to the banking system during times of crisis. There’s a big philosophical problem with this—the
moral hazard question. Does the Federal
Reserve bailing out banks today fuel reckless banker behavior in the future? When looking at a risky deal somewhere down the
road, would a banker ever think, ‘This deal I’m looking at is a big risk, but hey,
they bailed us out before.’ If enough
bankers think this way, problem.
The wealth and income of the top 1% are also in the
cross-hairs of the Occupiers. If the top 1% makes their money at the
expense of the 99%, the anger would be justified. I don't think that's
what's happening. It's important to remember that the economy is not a
fixed pie where one person's gain is someone else’s loss. Ours is a
growing economic pie where the 1% contributes, the 99% contribute, and the pie
gets bigger.
I spent some time in the consulting business where I had the opportunity to interact with a number of the wealthy people. The 1% I’ve met have been bright and hard working. Shrewd, driven, hard nosed? Yes. Lying, cheating, exploiting? I haven’t seen it. I did see people who worked hard, risked a lot of their own money, and built successful businesses that brought goods and services to the market and created lots of jobs along the way. We should be encouraging the 1% instead of going after them with torches and pitchforks. Have some rich folks cheated? Of course. There are cheats among the 1%, among the middle class, and among the lower income group. I think there's a segment of the population that feels better about themselves if they think the rich have become so through unsavory means. Demonizing the rich also gives politicians justification to raise their taxes.
Debt Problems in Europe
The other big story has been the debt crisis in Europe which has been unfolding like a slow moving car wreck with no end in sight.
The problem started when a few European Union (EU) member
states—Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain—hit excessive debt levels and
lenders started to wonder if these debts would be paid. The EU seems to
have taken steps to avert a similar crisis in the future, but have not yet
come up with a market satisfying plan to pay off the current debt. The
markets are wondering how strong the 'Union' in EU is and if
the financially stronger members (like Germany) will bail out the weaker
members. No surprise, but the average Joe (or maybe Johann) on the
streets of Munich
is not keen on bailing out the others.
The crisis seems to be pushing the EU towards one of two
outcomes—splitting up or doubling down on the union bet with even tighter
economic integration. Euro leaders keep choosing 'none of the above' and
the crisis continues.
Splitting the Union would
lead to currency chaos and would be a painful end to a 20 year experiment.
Tighter economic integration would mean EU members would have to submit
their budgets to bureaucrats in Brussels
for approval and face penalties for not meeting spending and debt guidelines.
No wonder they keeping choosing 'none of the above'.
This mess has the Unrepentant Capitalist wondering why they organized
the Union to begin with. Economists
warned European policy makers of the very problems the Union
is currently facing.
Asking Euros why the EU is a good idea is typically answered
with something along the lines of 'the EU gives Europe the scale to compete
with the US and China.' The Euros are operating under the misguided
notion that size and scale translates into economic advantage and success.
As a rebuttal, the Unrepentant Capitalist would point to the white
space on the EU map called Switzerland.
The Swiss don't join much of anything (they do send a nice ski team to
the winter Olympics) but the country of 8 million is a long standing
economic success story.
Far from helping, the current crisis shows how the currency
union has severed an important monetary feedback loop that can help countries
recover from economic downturns. When a country goes into a recession,
its currency weakens relative to other countries and its stuff (exports and
assets) become cheaper to the rest of the world. Cheaper stuff stimulates demand from the rest
of the world, and the rest of the world's money flowing in helps pull the
country out of its recession. Monetary union tends to pull member
countries towards the average. So where Spain,
for example, would normally be helped out by a weak currency, they have
a stronger Euro instead, and no one is buying Spain.
I'm not sure how this story ends, but we should use the
crisis in Europe as motivation to fix our own budget
problems. Does anyone think the Euros got into their current jam by
spending too much or taxing too little? For years, they've spent too much
and taken on too much debt. Unfortunately, their economies have now become
too dependent on government spending, so the spending cutbacks currently being
contemplated will keep their economies in low gear for several years to come.
We need a long-term plan (10+ years) that backs off the
spending throttle, simplifies our tax code, and repairs our financial
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